Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Conduct at School

‘Really, you honestly thought you could get away with that?’ ask the parent
‘Well, you are not supposed to check every little thing I do, it is because you do that that you guys get mad at me.  After all it is not my fault.’ Responds the child

This was a conversation in our house last night.  Hubby and I set down to watch one of the live lessons the teacher had recorded from our son’s language arts class.  Well what we found was that he wanted to use the chat pod and talk to the other kids about stuff completely off subject and stuff that he did not even know what he was talking about.  So when we talk to him about this we start the conversation by reminding him that the live lessons are the same as being in a brick and mortar classroom, he needs to focus and pay attention to the teacher not the other kids.  He tells us he knows this and he has been.  When we point out not exactly and tell him what we are talking about, he then proceeds to argue that this was not what he did.  Hubby (the calm voice of reason) explains that the teacher recorded the actions on her screen that we can see exactly what happened, when he entered the room, who he spoke with, and what his comments are.  He then proceeds to argue that we are taking them out of context the teacher wanted him to agree with the kid that was talking about Internet explorer and hating it.  I am pretty sure no teacher who has control of the classroom wants to have a class wasted by basing the merits of Internet explorer, however we had listen to the teacher talking and she just told them they had to use Internet explorer nothing more.

H0w is that even then a person is not able to accept responsibility for his actions.  We had the evidence right there on the screen yet he still argued.  That is why we are beginning to feel like we are beating our heads against a brick wall.  At what point do we decide that enough is enough and make the tough choices?  These are a few of the tough things that we are struggling with this week. 

But I do believe that rules have been established and consequences will be harsh if the rules are not followed in the future.

Originally I had only planned on posting once a week, but after only getting 3 hours sleep after ‘the debate’ last night I just had to set down and write it out to let go of it.  Obviously my intention is not for this to be a blow by blow account of the debates, for that would not be appropriate nor fair to all parties involved. 

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