Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Homeschooling the Middle School years

As many of you know after a hurried, rushed, and not well thought out plan we decided to home school our son in for the latter part of the school year last year.
Fast forward till this year, 7th Grade, homeschooling is once again the plan.  But PLAN oh yeah; I have one of those now.
This year we started with a school called Connections Academy they are a public school that just happens to be a virtual school, so it is the best of both words, our son learns at home yet he has teachers.  This was a plus to my sanity.  I am his learning coach really no different than the role I had been playing with him in a brick and mortar setting.  I help him get started on his assignments each day, I check over his work, BEFORE he takes any test or quizzes if he gets it then he moves right along.  This plan was so perfect nothing could go wrong right???
Well as we all know sometimes when we make plans; life has a way of interfering just to keep us on our toes.  We got the acceptance notice for our son in July; his text books arrived the first of August.  All was looking good, he was excited, I had set up a desk and computer for him, supplies all lined up nice and neat.  Then dear hubby decided to throw a curve ball to all of us. 
You see all summer long hubby has been going to the doctor about a hiatal hernia that would need to be surgically repaired, no problem he went to see the surgeon in May.  But with the wonders of insurance and testing the surgery was not able to be scheduled until the end of August, the second day of school for our son.  So basically I needed to get our son going on school on Monday then try to get him to work ahead so he did not miss work on Tuesday.  I mean really whose plan was this in, not mine.
Oh and my classes at college, which thank goodness are all online, started the same day as our sons school year.  So now I had to figure out a way to care for dear hubby and stay on track with my classes, along with calming any fears our son had about starting a new school.  Well this turned out to be the longest week of the year for sure.  You see our son NEEDS 8 hour’s sleep, without it he is on frayed nerves all day.  So when surgery required that we be at the hospital that is a good 30 minutes away at 6 in the morning, I knew this was going to be a long day.
Well we made it to the hospital, got hubby settled in for surgery; thought things were going well, when the hospital decided to test the fire alarm.  Well when you have a 12 year old boy, who is already short on sleep, and autistic this was just a recipe for disaster.  He panicked about how to get out of the hospital because that was the fire alarm.  The waiting room nurse explained rather rudely that it was just a drill no need to get upset, he began to cry.  I mean big huge tears, red nose, and loud sobs.  (He could never be an actor his crying is too dramatic)  So I had to pack up the back pack we had brought and get him outside to calm down.  When I headed toward the elevator he reminds me that you cannot use that during a fire.  So I begin to look for the stairs which were nowhere to be found so that was not making my case any easier.  So I tried walking him over to a window to let him see that it was fine no one was leaving the hospital, and of course we had to see a fire truck streak by.  This is pretty much what set the tone for the week.
But we survived, hubby made it home after just one night in the hospital.  Homeschooling is off to a rocky start but we will figure it out I am sure of it.  I am on track with my classes, and hubby is back to work now.

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